Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Here Comes the Sun

I took my dog for a walk today, and it was fairly warm out, so I wore shorts. It was only then that I noticed how disturbingly pale my legs are. In fact, they've shot so far past pale that they're practically translucent. You can see veins and everything. Ugh.

Now in general, I like my body. I have a pretty good figure, if I don't say so myself. And I know that 'pale is the new tan' (what does that even MEAN?), and that going tanning increases your risk of skin cancer, and all that. I know these things. But still, when I am getting out of the shower and being confronted by Narnia's White Queen in the mirror (I thought about saying Casper the Friendly Ghost, then realised what an unflattering comparison that would be. At least the White Queen isn't quite so shapeless.), it kind of gets to me. I'm so self-conscious about it that I usually don't even wear shorts if I can get away with it.

I know, I know. I'm vain. And this problem is easily remedied enough. But I'm not laying out in my bikini because I *hate* tanlines (the ridiculous tanlines I would get from working summer camp in a Boy Scout uniform were absolutely intolerable). I don't want white boobs and a white butt. And besides that, I would need to spend $100 to get the keycard so I can access the pool in my apartment. $100!? Seriously!? If I had that kind of money to blow I would just go tanning in a salon!

For now I have settled for a bottle of Dove self-tanner that I had purchased last summer but didn't use much. Here's hoping it doesn't turn me orange...I would be crushed if I ended up looking like Lisa.


  1. ha ha! I am so much tanner then you!

    what's this mole?

  2. Unfortunately, I am a tan-o-holic and hit the local tanning salon all winter and sit outside all summer.

  3. My body just knows to get tan in the summer, sun or no sun. I'm just that awesome, really.

  4. I'm half asian... I'm always tan to a degree.

  5. Another tan person weighs in.

    I teach swim lessons! It's California! We HAVE to be tan!

    $100 to use the pool?!? Ridiculous!

  6. yay for self tanner! i swear i get so white i must glow in the dark in the winter.

  7. Rach: you've *always* been the tan one of the family. well, you and Frank. and Spenser...wait, I mean WGHT! JGTH! YES I'M AWESOME!

    Mandy: I would be all about that, if I had the money.

    frank: you suck.

    jidai: I'm Irish and Polish/Ukranian, so no such luck here.

    JenBun: yeah I'm pretty sure pale people who move to California either get tan right away or the sun eventually burns right through them.

    sillygrrl: haha, my thoughts exactly! my boyfriend once referred to my legs as 'moonbeams'. =P
