Friday, June 6, 2008

New American Classic

For his birthday, Ben got the Simpsons game for our XBox 360. I'm not much of a gamer, myself (Marvel Alliance being about the only exception), but I must say that the Simpsons game is without a doubt the funniest video game I've seen. I've spent the last few evenings watching Ben play - I didn't join him initially as I was engrossed in a book about Robert Wadlow, the world's tallest man - and I can't wait to try it out myself. It borrows from several games, including Pokemon, Space Invaders (yes, the original), Grand Theft Auto, and a sort of Guitar Hero/Dance Dance Revolution crossover. It was endlessly entertaining, even just to watch. You play all of the Simpsons family at different levels throughout the game, and near the end you battle the Creator, Matt Groening himself (with whom I share a birthday, by the way) who sends none other Zoidberg and Bender to protect him.

In closing, a few memorable quotes from the game:

'I drink the blue juice under the sink!' Ralph Wiggum

'I can't believe you forgot our names! You've known us since we were born!' Bart & Lisa
'Yeah, but it's not like we're thinking about you all the time.' Lenny

'Where is Smithers? My eyeballs haven't been moistened in minutes.' Mr Burns

'I wish I could transform into a giant car that flies, and kicks everyone because it has kung fu feet!' Nelson

'I won't eat sushi. Unless it's covered in chocolate, and there's no sushi in it.' Homer

'Bart! You'll have to fight him! I'm too drunk to!' Homer


  1. the sushi quote could work on Frank;

    "I won't eat sushi unless it's covered in bacon, and there's no sushi in it"

  2. could work for Ben, too. he's kind of soured on the stuff after the whole baby octopus thing. =P

  3. Those are all great quotes. I recently unearthed our old school first generation nintendo, and subsequently spent an entire weekend playing Super Mario Bros. Three....

  4. Sushi is goooooooooooood (Biased). Also I must now know what the baby octopus thing is... I must.

  5. I think Sushi might be palatable if it were deep fried. And covered in bacon. Also, there'd have to be no sushi.

    Actually, just fry me some bacon and let's be done with it.

  6. I guess Frank must LOVE filet mignon. You know... being wrapped with bacon, it must be like heaven to him.

  7. mandy: I've tried a couple times to hook up my old nintendo at my parents' house, but no luck. I think I'll snag it for later. (that means DIBS, Frank and Rachel!)

    jidai: the first time my boyfriend had sushi, he didn't know what to order, so on a whim he ordered baby octopus. we thought it was going to be in a roll, but it was just plain ol' baby octopus. I tried one, my dad ate two, and Ben was too weirded out.

    frank: there's bacon here! thick cut bacon! come over and have some! I'm bored and I need the company!

    andy: you'd think so...but I bet he'd rather replace the steak with a mess o' bacon.

  8. That sounds HILARIOUS! I want to play now!

    I also want to get Ralph Wiggum tattooed somewhere on my body...
