Saturday, June 28, 2008

Wild, the Beautiful and the Damned

Hello to everyone in blogland (especially those whom I met for the first time last night)...I have decided to grace you all with an update. The job hunt is still chugging along, though I haven't had any calls yet. Right now I'm focusing on jobs in the Chicago area and Michigan, and I'm pretty optimistic about a few of them.

My more immediate concern (other than bills, obviously) is my lack of a permanent place to live. Unfortunately due to various reasons - Jack being one of them - I can't stay long-term with any of my relatives out in Illinois. My folks don't really want me moving back home, so basically I have two alternatives: either be shuffled around like a foster child (where each of my foster families loves me and takes care of me, but I have no true sense of home), or move in with my boyfriend's parents, neither of which are particularly attractive options.

Now I certainly don't mean to sound ungrateful...I know no one HAS to take me in, and Rachel & Dan have been incredibly nice in letting me stay with them, especially while they are, um...trying to have a baby and...wanting to do the things that are necessary to have a baby....

But I still can't shake the feeling that I am being a burden, and I know I will feel that no matter who I end up living with, until I am in a position where I can pay my own way.

I'm not exactly crazy about the idea of moving in with Ben's parents because he is working at camp for the summer (won't be around, in other words), and so there is a certain amount of awkwardness there. Not to mention the fact that watching your boyfriend's dad beat the shit out of your boyfriend is slightly off-putting. But on the other hand, they already have a nice bedroom set up with my own things (from the apartment), and they are more than willing to take in Jack. conclusion...I'm not sure what to do. And I have to make a decision soon, because I'm going to need a part-time job to pay my bills.


On a completely separate note, Frank is awesome. Thanks for coming over and bringing soup! I owe you one! (...when I have some money, that is.)


  1. Things will fall into place soon. I have a friend in the same position as you, she considers herself a professional houseguest. :-)

    You could always look for house-sitting jobs, then you get to live in really cool houses and get paid!

  2. Yeah I went through a similar thing when I was younger. Here's hoping that everything falls in perfectly. :)

  3. jidai- Did you just say "when I was younger"? Was that like when you were 12?

  4. Oh haha let's make fun of the youngest blogger here. I meant when I was 18... :P

  5. mandy - thanks, I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for that!

    jidai/rachel - haha, nice. you totally made me feel so old... =P

    frank - ok, ok...don't let it go to your head. it's freakishly large enough already.

  6. Aww, darlin'... sorry you are feeling uprooted. You'll find your place soon! :)
