Thursday, July 17, 2008

Wrapped Up In Books

As promised, here is the meme Rachel tagged me in a few days ago....

Rules -
Pick up the nearest book.
Turn to page 123.
Find the 5th sentence.
Copy down the next three sentences.
Pass it along.

So my lines are from You Suck by Christopher Moore. My dad suggested it yesterday, and gave me a copy for my trip, but I haven't started it yet.

"I'm not intimidated - because I know that her boobs are fake. And it's so obvious that they hunt the nosferatu that it's not even funny. Inside, I was like: 'Ha, suck my spiky rubber strap-on, vampyr hunter!'"




What has my dad just given me??

Oh, and I guess as far as 'passing it along' goes, I will open it to all interested parties, since I'm not sure who may have done this one before. If you haven't, do it! It only takes a few moments, and as my entry indicates, the results can be pretty entertaining....


  1. Hahahahahah... Your dad gave you that book?!?!?!?!


  2. I already DIIIIIIIIID IT!!!

    Also? I read Christopher Moore's book "Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal" and LOVED it!

    Then I mentioned that to Funny Man and he bought me every single book that Christopher Moore has ever written. They are all great! "You Suck" is actually the sequel to his book "Bloodsucking Fiends"-- read that one first! Read all of them! ESPECIALLY "Lamb"-- you'll laugh your ass off!!! :D

    (Also? I realize I should have underlined all those book titles. It wouldn't let me! So, they are in quotes. Good enough.)

  3. Wow that is an interesting pick, especially from a book from your dad! Crazy. Gotta love parents.

  4. YOU WIN!

    You've won a blog award from the lovely JenBun... stop by my place to pick it up and pass it on!

    Thanks for being YOU! :)

