Friday, June 20, 2008

Everybody Eats When They Come To My House

I have been spending quite a bit of time lately with my niece Diana. She is taking my vagrancy as a sign that I am to become her permanent playmate. Well, I *am* living in her playroom, after all. I don't mind, though. I think it's a nicely positive spin to put on the whole situation.

'No, I'm not unemployed and homeless. I'm an au pair!'

Diana's current favourite game is 'making' birthday cakes for various animals - her stuffed cat, my dog Jack, and most recently Clifford the Big Red Dog. Diana sits with a box and a wooden spoon and instructs me to retrieve various ingredients from her toy fridge. Her cakes are part realistic ingredients, part based on the picture of groceries on the inside of the fridge, and part whatever random plastic food is in sight. For example, Clifford's cake consisted of:

22 eggs (she kept sending me back for more, usually in the quantity of "five and two and one")
9 cupcakes
a piece of Swiss cheese
a slice of pizza

.........and beer

"You want me to get beer?"



"Um, how old is Clifford?"

"He's really big."

"I know, but how old is he?"

"Ummm.....four million."

[a longer pause]

".......OK, well I guess he's legal."

I'm trying to get her outside more often.


  1. Hahahahahahahah... Ohhh Diana is so prespicacious. Putting beer on a cake. That'd make any grown up happy.

  2. oookkkkaaayyyyy....apparently I'm an alcoholic in her eyes...she thinks that no meal is complete until beer is involved....

  3. perspicacious, eh?


    *looks it up*

    why yes, yes she is!

  4. haha, well she planned ahead enough to have the beer/pizza pairing...even if it is within a birthday cake...

  5. I agree, no meal is complete without beer, actually I just stocked up for the weekend.

    Living in a play room, fetching ingredients, actaully doesn't sound like a bad gig...

  6. Cake, pizza, beer... I am SO there!!!

    Who cares if they are all mixed up together-- they are just going to get mixed up in your tummy anyway! :P

    I should tell my friends out there that I know this hot, blonde au pair... ;)

  7. Don't put her in charge of my next birthday cake.

    Although for the next one she "makes", you should add bacon to it.
