Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Gimme Some Truth

OK folks, I guess it's time to clear up the rumours. I am said vagrant living in Rachel's basement...at least until Thursday. To make a somewhat long and painful story short, I have found out certain things about my boyfriend's family that have complicated our plans. I don't really want to get into all the details, but I'm keeping a positive outlook as best I know how. In the meantime I plan to take a break from blogging for about a week or so to get things sorted out.

Take care, everyone.

Oh, and many thanks to Rachel, Frank and Jenbun for their support! You guys are awesome!


  1. Well, good luck with the moving, it is always a pain.
    Not to discourage you, but the unpacking is kind of a pain too!

  2. Oh no! That sounds frightening to say the least. The family part, not living in Rachel's basement. That part actually sounds kind of fun!

    I hope things work out for the better!

  3. I was a professional house guest once, and I have friends who still are. It was a fun time. Good luck with the moving!

  4. A week or so?! I thought you were only staying a few days!

    seriously joking! I like having a Diana entertainer in the house, I get more done! ;)

  5. I took a picture of my foot once.

  6. I'm sticking with my recommendation of 1000 CCs of Cherry Garcia!

    And I'll be thinking about you...

    ... yup, in the creepy stalker-ish way! ;)

  7. andy - yeah I am slowly realizing this (and I thought packing up a dorm room was bad!)

    felicia - other than the fact that the basement is mostly Diana's playroom and accordingly littered with her toys, it's a pretty nice setup =)

    mandy - haha well it's still not something I want to make a career of, but thanks!

    rach - well while getting paid in Diana smiles is pretty adorable, the bank won't take them.

    frank - heh. me too.

    jenbun - yay, my very own stalker! I ate *some* ice cream, but I have no idea how much 1000 CCs actually looks like, compared to the standard ben & jerry's pint. and I think rachel, you and me need to meet up and get drunk sometime. it needs to happen!

  8. OK, because I am just that dorky (er, I mean, cool), I figured out how much ice cream is in 1000 CCs (and I just picked that number because it was a lot, and I wanted to sound all medical-y, even though I wasn't at work.)...

    2.113 pints of Ben & Jerry's. YUM!

    Oh, it HAS to happen! There either needs to be an M-family vacation out here, or (maybe a little easier) I need to get my ass back out to Chicago! If we had all become such good bloggy buddies earlier, we could have had a whole week together in April... but it WILL happen!

    (See, this is why you should probably just send me your email address... otherwise, you end up with missives like this in your comments!)
