Saturday, July 5, 2008

This Is Not An Exit

ookkay...I hope everyone out there enjoyed their holiday weekends.

As much as I'd like to say that I stuffed myself silly, got drunk and played with brain had other ideas.

To make a long and painful story short, the firework gods frowned on me and decided that July 4th of this year should be my inauguration into OH MY %*$%ING GOD THAT REALLY HURTS Land. In other words, I got a migraine. Now I knew they run in my mom's side of the family. I knew that they could be quite dehabiliating. But I was completely unprepared for the crushing pain that would focus on my left temple and have me dry heave until I nearly choked. There I was, sprawled on the bathroom floor in the basement of my sister's house, while a party (yes, dear god, a PARTY. With noise. And shouting. And stomping.) raged upstairs. I wanted to die, or at least kill the source of the noise.

Instead, I was half-carried, half-dragged out of the house (pausing every few feet to spread bile liberally on the lawn) to my dad's car and driven to the hospital. I don't recall much of the ride (the very act of lifting my head to the moving window made everything feel 9025823 times worse), but we made it just fine, with minimal vomiting. I had a CAT scan done (after they made me take a pregnancy test, much to my father's embarrassment. And I couldn't even walk to the bathroom for the test, so I had to be placed in a wheelchair! More fun.) and they put in an IV to replace my fluids.

Now, I consider myself to be a fairly tough and resilient person. At age 3, I fractured my skull just below my right ear. I have also sprained an ankle, wrist and thumb (don't ask! I didn't even know it was possible!) and got it in the head with a rock less than an inch away from my eye. I have had blood drawn on countless occasions, bone marrow tests, bleeding times, and so on. Not much fazes me anymore. But this...this was different. This stopped my world, my very being. For those of you who have ever had migraines, you have my sincerest sympathies. And if you haven't, I am truly envious. I feel pretty much back to normal these days, the Vicodin helped a LOT, but now that I know I am a 'migraine sufferer' - as I've heard the term used in commercials - I am now hyper-alert to any sign or twitch of something being off, something telling me I'm on the inexorable road to a migraine.

Definitely *not* how I wanted to spend my Independence Day.

Though on a brighter note, my Jennypendence Day was just fine!


Rachel said...

I have to admit, having someone puking on my front yard at 5pm made it look like I throw a hell of a party....

Andy said...

I suffer from A LOT migraines very badly too, especially when stressed. And they come with vomiting, low blood pressure, feeling of passing away... But 2 Motrins and 2 hours of sleep do miracles for me. And if it does't (it happens sometimes) some Avamigran will do it.

But I also get rhinitis attacks (like tonight) and my whole world kind of stops.

And I have sprained my thumb too, it actually never got back to normal position.

Frank said...

Too bad you weren't around to see Kyle kick my ass in the Wii Olympics :(

Rachel said...

Don't worry Frank, I go it on tape and WILL be posting it later

Rachel said...

Migraines are such party crashers.

P.S. You probably need Twitter.

Maxie said...

Oh, poor thing :-(

I used to get migranes everyday in high school until they put me on some kind of weird meds. They worked for a little while and then I stopped taking them b/c it creeped me out. I only get migranes every once and a while now...but yea. they suck.

Bayjb said...

Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry to hear that. What a bummer to a great weekend (weather-wise). That stinks. You should celebrate 4th of July again! A little late but hey you shouldn't miss out.

JenBun said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhh, Veronica!!! I'm SO sorry... that sounds like a HORRIBLE 4th!!! (And just a horrible day, in general.)

I'm glad you're feeling better!

Thanks for the Jennypendence Day shout-out! (and link to your brother's sweet post)

Mandy said...

I have migraines occassionally as well and they are not fun. I am sorry you had to experience one this weekend of all times. I agree, celebrate the 4th again! Break out the beer, the potato salad, and now fireworks will be on sale! :-)

Frank said...

Your head asplode.

Veronica said...

rach - uhm...glad to help...? haha. I actually wish it HAD been alcohol-induced. then it wouldn't have been so scary, and there would have been no CAT scan.

andy - yeah I'm definitely gonna keep some meds nearby in case of another one. wow, someone else who sprained their thumb! I actually sprained my wrist at the same time, so I had the whole thing bandaged up.

frank - no, but I HEARD YOU. bastard.

rach - and I'll watch it and eat your potato salad while holding a'll be just like I was really there!

rachel - hah! yes! I had to open my big mouth and say my life was boring...BAM! I'm in the hospital.

maxie - yeah, a lot of people have been telling me about this or that drug I can take...luckily the family dr is also the mom of a close friend, so we know her pretty well and I trust her to steer me in the right direction.

bayjb - thanks! I think I'm going with the abovementioned plan at rachel's.

jenbun - aw, thanks! it's nice to feel like my skull is intact again. I shall never again take it for granted. I hope you had a great birthday!

mandy - yes! I just have to get rachel to make more potato salad...
*makes puppy dog eyes at her sister*

frank - hahahahah. that is probably the most concise summation of that day ever! thank you, strong bad!

Andy said...

Woohoo!! I ALSO BROKE my wrist!